sábado, mayo 18, 2024

Mariela Gutiérrez, Mayoress of Tecámac, receives the Pergamino al Mérito de la Mujer Mexiquense «Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz».

#Toluca, #StateOfMéxico. – «It is time for women with determination, vocation and character. Not to impose ourselves by the mere fact of being women, but to assert reason and demonstrate our strength to create, to innovate and leave our own mark. Just as the thousands of women who have preceded us and paved the way for us to be here today have done,» said the mayoress, Mariela Gutiérrez Escalante.

Upon receiving the Pergamino al Mérito de la Mujer Mexiquense «Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz» by the Illustrious and Meritorious Mexican Society of Geography and Statistics of the State of Mexico, the mayoress mentioned that the people of Mexico cannot aspire to less, and soon there will be a new stage in the political, social and economic life of the strongest entity in the country, which will be led by women.

Within the framework of the commemoration of the International Women’s Day and before Yolanda Ballesteros, Laura González and Hilda Montaño, who also received recognition.

She thanked for the distinction of receiving this recognition, since it comes from an institution of liberal tradition and inspiration, «It is no less important for me that it bears the name of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, since some of the most beautiful phrases of universal literature come from her revolutionary thought», she said.

Gutiérrez Escalante, mentioned she attended the ceremony on behalf of more than 1,300 women from Tecamaquenses, public servants who every day shape the best municipal government in the State of Mexico, and these results are the fruit of collective work and not the merit of a single person.

«On behalf of them, I thank you for your deference and we gladly accept this parchment, not as recognition of something extraordinary. What we have done in Tecámac is only what any governor or public servant should do: not to steal, not to lie and not to betray», she pointed out.


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